Monday, May 31, 2010

Day 22 and 23

Well, it was a fun-filled, crazy, hectic week. Work went well. Busy, busy...but learning how to turn off a bit faster. It's a little crazier than normal because of next week being a short week (2 days for me!) and the following week being in Geneva.

But most of the craziness of the week was my niece Maya being in town with us! It was so great that without rearranging anything at work, I was able to spend 2 full days with her. I must admit, it's really nice having my 2 sisters living in town. We were able to tag team the week and all of us got lots of time with Maya.

So on Wednesday I got a flavor for what it would be like to have 2 kids. We did pretty well. *Most* of the time, if one of them melted down, the other one seemed to act a bit older. On Saturday, they were both melting down...that was tough :-)

Wednesday we biked up to the library, had story time, then went to LaRosa's for lunch. Zak is at a stage where he wants to use the toilet every place we go. At some point, Zak wanted to go the restroom, so I had to pack up Maya too, and then of course I don't want to leave my wallet at the it looks like we've run out of the place just to go to the bathroom :-) The bathroom is definitely hard with the two of them. By the time I get one set of hands washed, the other set is crawling around on the floor again.

Zak didn't want to leave LaRosa's, so I had this moment where I had to carry Zak out of the restaurant, and Maya was acting like such a big girl, holding my hand and walking out. As I said, most of the time, one of them would step up to be the "big kid" when the other was melting down. We came home and napped (managed to get them both down at the same time!) and we went to the park later. Again we had the toilet issue. But for the most part they had a lot of fun together. I did my best to wear them out ... and based on Maya's picture below, I think I succeeded :-)

Friday we went to Pump it Up again and met the grandparents there. I wasn't exactly sure if Maya would be old enough for it or not...but she LOVED IT! She quickly realized she could jump and fall without getting hurt, and so she was climbing and jumping everywhere. She and Zak wanted to go on the slides all by themselves. It was so fun. Most surprising was Grandma going down the slides too :-)

Later we went to King's Island. Maybe King's Island and Pump It Up was a bit much for one day, but we don't get to see Maya often, so I wanted to make the most of it! We only stayed for a couple hours. Season passes are great for that.

It was a tiring, yet very fulfilling week. Zak is talking incessently about his cousins, and I feel extremely honored that my brother trusted us to take care of Maya for the week. I think we all feel a bit closer now. I know Zak really enjoyed "taking care of" Maya.

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