Friday, March 25, 2011

Day 92

You know, it's occurred to me, I've just passed the 1 year mark! Wow, time is flying way too fast. I still feel like I'm learning how to manage it, and probably it'll all be over before I do :-) One of the VPs at work asked yesterday when I was coming back full time...I'm counting on another year and a half...when Zak goes to kindergarten. I think I can make it. This time has been precious for me.

I pretty much caught up at work this week, and feel very much ok at the macro level. Unfortunately, I started getting sick Tuesday afternoon, and spent all of my "Zak Wednesday" laying on the counch with a bad stomach ache. I literally ate one waffle all day. I told Zak my tummy hurt, and he got a look on his face of "I know what to do"..and said "Hey, I can kiss it for you!" And he did. And I was all mushing and warm inside.

Luckily Babcia is still here, and Katie came over to play for a few hours in the afternoon, so hopefully he wasn't too bored. We did a few things...we walked around the block at one point, in between rain showers. I've already told you how he points out "Sally" whenever he sees a porsche...he's also started pointing out other characters..."Hey, there's a Rusteze guy", and I look and it's a rusty old car.

I asked him if he wanted to practice writing his letters for another star. He told me "That's a big idea!" I have no idea where he got that! We say it at work all the time, so I can only imagine that I must have said it at home at some point...but i can't recall it! It was very odd to hear that from a 3 year old. I had him write "Sally"...and he told me "Funny that Sally has an eleven in her name." :-)

Zak's been doing this strange thing where he likes to close his eyes, and walk around until he bumps into things. I told him I'd rather him not do that, because he's goign to run into something and hurt himself. He said, very seriously, "Yeah, but if I do, you'll kiss it and make it better." One day he's going to realize how unmagical my kisses really are. I did hear him playing with his car toys in the bathtub later...he kept making one of them go uner the bubbles, and the other car told him not to go under the bubbles. The first car asked "Why", the second car said "Because, you are going to get hurt and I don't want to see you get hurt." It made me smile.

Last thing that I forgot to mention a few weeks ago when I blogged about taking Zak to my office...when we left, he asked "Why do you work in a maze?" Ah!

Anyway, even though I was down and out with the stomach flu, Zak kept me smiling. :-)


  1. maze :-) spot-on! cheers, agata

  2. "Funny that Sally has an eleven in her name." SO CUTE!! (Jen Crites)
