Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Day 54, 55 and 56

Last Tuesday was not the greatest of days. I got work calls throughout the day, making it difficult to get into any momentum with Zak. The problem is that when people from work call, it's never an easy thing to fix. I all but refuse to log in on those days, so I have to rely on others to fix the issue at hand. But then I can't let it go...I am constantly wondering how they are doing with it, wondering if I should log in to help. Ugh.

Friday was almost the same, but I just forced myself to shut down. I logged on early in the morning, planning to answer a question the president had asked to have answered by Monday. I was waiting for a last piece of information which I knew I'd have in my inbox Friday morning. I was about to hit send on the email, and then checked myself...I knew that I'd then be checking my email all day to see if he had any follow-up questions. He asked for it Monday, so I decided to wait until Monday morning and just walk over to his office with the info. I shut down the computer, and shut down from work for the next 3 days. I FEEL SO MUCH BETTER now!

Let me give a shout out now to this cool blog that my friend Dana shared with me...Single Dad Laughing. It had me laughing and crying :-) I loved reading from the guy's point of view.

Friday we had a playdate at the park with a friend, then went for lunch. I did end up having a bad headache Friday afternoon, but I laid down with Zak, and felt great 2 hours later when we woke up.

Zak's been doing a lot of role playing with his Thomas the trains. Today I heard him say "Thomas, look me in the eye." (I've been saying that a lot to him lately when he gets upset.) Then he said "Thomas gasped!" He also likes to turn on the vaporizer, and then as the steam is coming out, he puts various trains, cars or firetrucks on top of it. When you ask him what's going on, he says "they are getting a wash down."

Today we started out early doing some grocery shopping, then stopped by ToysRUs where he picked out a new train. I also bought some paints and paintbrushes, because lately he's been asking to do "art projects" together, and we ran out of the paint I had. Then we went for swimming lessons, which Zak wanted no part of. On the way to the lesson, he said, "Mommy, are you tired? Let's go take a nap together instead." He knows me very well! It was a tempting offer! I don't know why he's become anti swim lessons, since he loves the water. He says the pool is too big and he's such a little boy. I had to sit on the side of the pool, pull up my pants and stick my feet in to get him to swim. Within 5 minutes he was fine, but he had his heels dug in to get started.

Then we went to meet Sara for lunch, and then home for his nap. He slept for 2 hours in his new room. I got a lot of personal things done during that time. I really enjoy not being so busy that I don't have time to think. The last few years I have just felt like I barely have had time to even do the simple things like go to the bathroom at regular intervals, pay the bills, make dental appts. It's nice to feel a bit more in control now....

We ended the evening digging out our basement window well so we could put a new one in. I swear I don't know why we even plant grass in our backyard. Everytime it starts growing, we tear it right up again. Zak was so cute working out there for hours with Kuba over the weekend and tonight. You can see a small video here.

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