Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Day 63

Today has been a great day, but it took all my will to keep my mind to it. Work is getting more stressful, not less. It's funny, because if I think to write about what causes my stress, it just sounds so stupid. It's good to force myself to blog and put things into perspective. Anyway, I'm not sure if the stress is from the role, or from doing the role at part time, or both. Anyway, I suspect it will get worse yet before it gets better, so I'm prepping myself for a trying first quarter of the year. I feel like if I had maybe just one more day a week, I'd be fine...but...I also know it never works that way. You never have enough time to get everything done. As soon as things are too in control, you take on more responsibilities and there you go...back to not enough time :-)

Anyway, to the fun stuff. We had a lot of errands to run this morning. We had a leisurely breakfast, Zak took a bubble bath while I took a shower. We played some Bob the Builder, then headed out for the errands. We got Kuba's shoes repaired, went to Walgreens to pick up a prescription, and went to the mall to get a Christmas gift. We were back by 10:00, once again playing Bob the Builder, and then switched to trains. Aunt Katie came over for lunch, and we played some more games (Snakes, Topple, and again, Bob the Builder), then Zak and I went to Sharon Woods to play. We stayed out there for over an hour because the weather was so nice. Then he asked to go to Target to look at the Thomas trains. I needed to go to Target, so I said sure. Sometimes (key word sometimes), it's such a pleasure to go with him to places. He's getting so old. He holds my hand and leads the way. He helped me pick out a gift for Matti, then we looked at the trains. He wanted to buy a new Thomas movie...I checked on Netflix on the iPhone and realized that same movie was available to play instantly, so I started it up, and he sat in the cart and watched it. Saved me $15 :-) Netflix is great.

We started home at about 3, he fell asleep and is still sleeping. I think I might go cuddle up next to him for a bit :-) Looking forward to the 4 day weekend! Happy Thanksgiving!


  1. Jen Regruth Crites: Netflix + iPhone = Target's worst competitor! LOL. Great idea, April! Happy Thanksgiving to you all!

  2. Darcy Easter Gandert: If I had a leisurely breakfast, a shower, playtime with my kids and had run all of those errands, there's no way I'd be back home by 10am. What time did you get up? 3? :) Good for you! I'm glad you're able to spend such great quality time with Zak. Color me jealous!

  3. @Darcy Kuba always complains that we do more before 10 than most do all day :) (He also says it jealously :) ). Seriously though, it's amazing how fast you can get things done on the weekdays! Enjoy your Thanksgiving!

  4. @Jen indeed! It was great! Hope you guys have a great thanksgiving as well! Hope the gallery is doing great!

  5. Katie Higdon And of course Zak said the cutest thing as I was leaving yesterday. He said, "Thank you for coming over Katie." LOVE IT.

  6. @Katie yeah, I don't know where he gets his sweetness from. By the way, I was glad he didn't finish his story about when I hit my head while painting the doors...it looks like I really need to start watching my mouth! I couldn't believe he remembered that.
