Saturday, February 12, 2011

Days 79 and 80

This was a really good week. At work, it was one of those weeks where I had a lot of actual "work" time, not overloaded with meetings...and I felt mostly very good about the progress we've made over the past 7 months or so. There are areas where I wish we were further of course, but I feel very good on the overall big picture, and had enough time this week to get a lot of loose ends tied up. Next week will be different :-) Half day meetings starting at 6 2 of the days, and 3 vp reviews :-P

I think the reason it felt like such a good week is not only because I felt like I got a lot done at work, but also I had a lot of time with Zak, plus got an evening out with good friends, and even took a couple hours to get my hair cut, colored, etc. Kuba and I had a great week celebrating on and off again our 5 year anniversary...just all around a very healthy week (except for the start of the week where I was battling 101 temperature for a couple days...)

Anyway, the Zak stuff...on Wednesday morning, for some reason he put his cars into a circle, and then showed me he had made a cirlce. I, for some reason, then used his other cars to make a T, and then pointed out my T. He then went on to make a T with his fingers, and then showed me how to make a diamond, and a triangle as well. He obviously learned this at school, because I never showed him. I then showed him how to make a cirlce with his fingers...which he promptly told me was not right, and no, you can not make a circle with your fingers. I'm assuming because they didn't show him at school that he thinks it's not possible.

After breakfast, he started playing on the computer while I was cleaning up. I asked him if we could talk instead of him playing on the computer...he said "No." So we started this thing where if I ask him a question, and he doesn't answer me, the computer goes off. I LOVE that he is so computer savvy, but I worry that I'm going to lose him to the ether world. We'll have to keep an eye on that :-)

Monika was a little stir crazy because we had all been sick most of the weekend, so we went out shopping. We took Zak to ToysRUs and let him pick a car, then we went to the mall so she could get some make-up. I was supposed to meet a friend for lunch, but I was still a bit afraid of being around her new baby since I was still coughing, so we just went home. Zak wanted to play "the big race" with his cars, and he put a bunch of the "extra" cars on the stairs. He said this was the audience for the big race. It made me smile...but I told him it probably wasn't safe to put cars on the steps, what if Babcia needed to come down and stepped on one and slipped? So he moved them all over to the side of the steps, and said Babcia should step in the middle so she won't fall a hit her head. I figured that was probably ok, and hollered up a warning to Babcia. We then re-enacted the "Big Race", with the big crash and all...including the fans in the audience going wild.

We took the rest of Wednesday kind of easy...I ran out and got my hair cut during Zak's nap....then I let Zak take a bubble bath, since the new Car he bought was meant for the bathtub. After 30 minutes or so I insisted he get out (he body was a complete prune)...he kept saying he wasn't ready...but finally I unplugged the bathtub plug...and then we had a battle for the next few minutes of him waiting until I was getting his clothes ready or such, and plugging the tub back up. He's getting quite a little independent streak...which I love.

Our friend was in town from Canada, and so Thursday night a group of my good friends went out together. It's so nice having Monika in town, AND having my 2 days that I don't feel guilty when I actually take a night out...and of course having a built in babysitter :-) Friday we spent the day with our friend....starting the day with some breakfast at home, heading out to do some shopping downtown (and a dentist appt for me), then to lunch with Kuba. Zak had so much fun during all of it...he LOVES many buses and taxis and police cars. Then Kate and Monika went to the Underground Railroad museum, which I really want to go to, but I figured this was a good opportunity for Monika to go before she goes back to Poland, and I read it's not very good for Zak and I drove out of downtown and did some errands while he napped (got the car washed, went to the drive-thru pharmacy, etc)...then we went back downtown and had some ice cream at Greaters. Just as we were about to get on the ice rink, Babcia called and said she was we came back home and just enjoyed hanging around for the last couple hours until Tato came home. Then Kuba and I went for some tennis...

The week was just a really good one...I felt very good at work, and very good at home. Life is good :-)

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