Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Day 30

Last night I had a work dinner which was lots of fun. It was a going away dinner from some of my colleagues in my current role. It was extremely relaxing and fun, but before we knew it, it was 10 o'clock! I got home and surprisingly, Zak was still awake (barely), and Kuba was asleep. Zak was desperately trying to keep his eyes open and was playing movies on his iPhone. I came to give him a kiss and take away his iPhone. He said "My Mommy" and then turned over and went to sleep.

But it was a bad night. At midnight he woke up crying and it seemed his stomach was hurting him. He wanted to go to the bathroom. His stomach was really hot (is that strange?) He had a 100 fever, so was clearly trying to fight something. He woke up about every 30 minutes after that with the same routine, and finally at around 4 quit waking up. But he insisted on getting up early this morning and clearly didn't get enough sleep (and neither did I.)

We had planned for Chloe to come over today and for us to go to Kings Island. Zak seemed to be doing better, so we went ahead and went...but he was melting down almost as soon as we were there. Everytime he had to wait for more than 2 minutes for a ride, he started crying "Zakie's turn, Zakie's turn." By the end he was almost throwing tantrums whenever he had to we had to leave. Poor Chloe.

We got some Skyline for lunch, and Zak was almost asleep in the car when we got home. I took him to bed and he started throwing a tantrum again. It took me 30 minutes to get him to sleep....I know he absolutely needed to sleep, but I hate fighting with him. :-( He woke up every 20 minutes or so for about 2 hours, crying, wanting to get up, but not wanting to get up. He's definitely not himself.

He finally did get up, but he's been on and off crying ever since. He cries if the computer is too slow. He cried when Wow wow wubbzy came on because he didn't want to watch it (I don't blame him!), he cried that I picked the wrong juice out of the refrigerator, etc, etc. He says he's got boo, boos in his mouth, so I'm starting to suspect this hand, foot and mouth disease. Luckily it doesn't really seem all that bad, just a couple of days to run its course.

Luckily we got him to bed at 7:30 tonight. We gently brushed his teeth, put cole sore medicine in his mouth, gave him some Tylenol. Oops, he just came to the door of the bedroom and said "Mommy I'm sick. " :-( Time to go hold my baby...

1 comment:

  1. *HUG* Hope the little guy is feeling better soon!
