Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Day 32

And we are better today!!! I ended up with a 4 day weekend because I have Fridays off, and our 4th of July holiday was Monday. Monday was the turning point for Zak. He only woke up once Sunday night, was in a good mood Sunday morning, and at around 12:30, he asked to take his nap. Wow! He slept in his bed for about 1.5 hours, got up to go to the bathroom, then went back to bed for another 2.5 hours! He was so smiley after that and didn't complain about his mouth at all. He went to bed at the normal time on Monday night and slept through the night. So we are in a much better place.

This weekend we started a major house project of trying to install an irrigation system...and we accidentally cut our phone we were without internet for a couple days. Unfortunately, they gave us an ETA of 8:30-12:30 this morning to fix it. At least I didn't have to take off work for it (can't work from home without internet!) but still, it kept Zak and I tied to the house during the best part of the day.

We cleaned a bit this morning, he vacuumed while I cleaned the bathrooms. We also made up a new game where we sit on our rug and act like we are on a flying carpet gone we accidentally say the word up, it jerks us up and we fall backwards. Same thing for left and right.

He's definitely reached a new level of conginition over the last couple of weeks. He's forming complete sentences with prepositions and articles, etc. He told me "I don't like Tato's pillow because it has feathers." I was impressed with the sentence construction :-) Aunt Katie came over for lunch and when she left, he said, "Aunt Katie has to go back to work." I know I'm silly, but it's cute to see him learn.

The other thing he did today is he went up to our map on the wall, and he said...A! A for April! I don't think I realized he knew my real name! He proceeded to show me T for Tato and E for Ethan. Then we learned a few new ones...L for Logan, M for Maya, etc.

Anyway, he's napping now. When he wakes up, we'll probably go to the pool or King's Island water park. I can't wait for him to wake up!

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