Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Days 76 and 77

Friday was great, but very busy. I had had a hard, emotional week at work. I had several reviews last week, finishing with one with my vice-president on Thursday. My sister asked if I ever had time to work with all the reviews I do :-) Anyway, I was really, really ready for the 3-day weekend.

Friday morning we had a photographer come to our house and take pictures. ( We had a lot of fun and tried to get some candid pictures throughout the house...and in the snow. I wanted to get some pics before Babcia went back to Poland. I highly recommend Ken...he makes it so easy! I was disappointed that Kuba had to work, but we got some nice ones anyway. Zak was starting to feel bad, but we continued on.

Then I went to lunch with a friend, came home and we went to the rec center. We had a ton of fun playing air hockey, pool and shuffle board. I got a small run in while Babcia and Zak played too. I had planned to take Zak to his first tennis lesson at 4...but I could tell he was starting to feel tired, so we went home and stayed in. I met Dana and Sara for a coffee at 5, and then Dana, Matt and Rowan came over for dinner. It was a very nice, relaxing way to start the weekend.

Unfortunately, the rest of the weekend was plagued with 103 fevers for Zak...all the way through Monday he was going up and down depending on if we gave him medicine or not. We still managed to have some fun though, having some new friends over Saturday evening (the Crites), and Jill, Vikash and Chloe visiting for the weekend. Luckily Babcia was here, because Monday morning Zak had a fever again. I'm going to miss this luxury when she goes home :-)

Today (Wednesday) has been great, maybe a little lazy. I really concentrated on playing with Zak, because it's the first day he's been really well since Friday. He didn't disappoint me.

But first, breakfast. He had his standard, milk and cheerios...but wasn't too interested in the cheerios this morning. His appetite has been a bit lite since he's been sick. I asked him to eat his breakfast so we could play...he asked for a reese cup instead (we have a bag of small ones.) I told him no, of course not for breakfast...but then I said, you know what, if you eat your cheerios, you can have one. He countered with, "Ok, I'll eat ONE cheerio, and then a reese cup." I countered with, "No, ALL cheerios, and then a reese cup." I've never seen him eat a bowl so fast. Unbelievable.

Then we started playing. We went through all of his Cars (Lightning, Mater, LeakLess, Octane Gain, Chewall, etc, etc)...he only gets stuck on Transberry Juice...and I do too. He's just today realized that there are different brands of cars...and so now he's organizing them by: Disney/Pixar, Matchbox and Hotwheels. He gives the matchbox and hotwheels ones names...the names are so complicated I can't even understand them, but he remembers them everytime. Most of the names are 3 syllables long.

He loves to make up stories for the cars, and so we played for a good 45 minutes with them. He's started recently crashing the Chick Hicks does in the movie...and inevitably one will fall off the table. I don't know how to think about this...I don't like the agressiveness of it, on the other hand, I think it's pretty normal. Anyway, I figured I should do something to counteract the agression, so whenever a car fell of the table, I said sadly "Ahh, he's hurt!" and I picked him up and kissed him. So then Zak started doing the same thing...but it was this weird game of crashing the car to the floor, and then sadly picking them up and kissing them to make them feel better.

I was actually trying to get a video of him picking up the car and kissing it, but of course once I got the iPhone out to video, he wanted it...and he started taking pictures of the cars (and did pretty good!) Interestingly, he taught me something on the iPhone! I didn't know you could flip staight out of the camera into the photos on the iPhone...I always wondered how he so quickly got into the photo gallery...and today I saw him hit the icon in the camera that did it. Go figure.

Then we went up to the rec center and played in the game room....came home and took showers/bubble baths. After Zak's bubble bath, I was dressing him in my favorite shirt for him...his Oscar the Grouch sweatshirt (the one he wore for the pictures)...and he told me "You know, I don't like that shirt at all." Wah! I'm glad I got the pics when I did! So I let him pick out another one. As I was getting him dressed, he asked me, "Are you going to work today?" I told him "No, today I'm staying home." He said "Why?" I said "Well, I thought we'd just have time to play. Is it ok?" He said "Yeah! That's a GREAT idea!" Thank goodness. I thought he was going to tell me he wanted to go to school or something :-)

We had some lunch, and then I drove around and ran a few errands while he napped in the car (beauty of having Babcia with us...I can run in and out without waking him)...and then as the day was winding down and we were growing bored of each other, he asks, very matter of factly... "Did someone buy me a car today?" Tato has been bringing him home a new care almost every day, and so now he seems to expect one! They learn so fast!

Anyway, a very good, quality day :-)

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