Friday, January 28, 2011

Day 75

Wednesday was a good day, but I was in a bit of a bad mood, a little sick, and so was Zak. It just hung over us the whole day. Nitpicking at each other. Work is definitely on my mind a lot these days.

We went to the rec center and played, but only the video games. Normally we play some pool (interesting with a 3 year old), and shuffle board..but he only wanted to play the video games. Babcia did a small work out. We decided to go to Indian for lunch. Babcia had never eaten Indian before. It was a bit of a challenge because Zak was in such a bad mood...he kept wanting to serve himself from the buffet. He was surprisingly interested in trying everything though. He especially liked the "puffed up" naan.

We came home, and I tried for 2 hours to get him to sleep. It just wasn't meant to be. I kept falling asleep, and he kept waking me up. I feel asleep with my head on his pillow with him, which apparently he didn't like. He pushed me off, and just as I was about to tell him that wasn't nice and he should share his pillow, he reached over and got my pillow and pushed it under my head. I guess that's fair. At some point I told him I wasn't feeling very good, so if he could please sleep, I would be very happy. He then put his hand on my tummy and said "Hmm, yup, a little hot, but not too bad." I couldn't help but laugh.

So we got up, and I asked if he wanted some hot chocolate. He said, "No, some warm chocolate please." So I made him some chocolate milk, and I don't know what I was thinking, probably about work or something, and forgot to warm it up. I gave it to him and he said "Hey, that's not warm at all!" Oops, right. So I heated it up.

Later we were eating a snack, and he started playing a game...he would put the cashew on his head and say "We don't eat like this" and then he'd put it in his mouth "We eat like this." Then he'd do the same thing to his ear "We don't eat like this", and then to his mouth, "We eat like this." He was watching me to see if I'd catch on. So I put one to my knee and tried to eat it that way. And so we finally broke out of our bad moods. :-)

One thing I did forget to mention on Friday...I was meeting my friend for lunch, but she had slipped her car off the road into a ditch. (Guess who???) :-) Anyway, she called and said she was waiting on a tow truck. Zak wanted to play with my iPhone, and normally, if someone calls or text messages, he just cancels them and I don't know anyone was trying to get a hold of me until after he's done. So I told him, Zak, you can play with it, but if someone calls or texts, you HAVE to show me. Aunt Sara hurt her car and she might need help. So when Sara called again (2x), both times he said "Mommy, Aunt Sara! Is her car ok?" and handed me the phone. It's really nice that he's starting to understand and be understanding.

Sometimes I wonder if I blog too much about the cute things that Zak does, versus the trials and tribulations of working part time...but Sara last night reminded's all these cute things that I would have missed if I had been working. And she's right....of course I would get to see cute things no matter what, but I definitely get more than my fair share now! It's the "pro" side of working part time :-) And I have time to blog about it so I'll never forget..

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