Monday, January 10, 2011

Day 70 and 71

Ok, back to the grind! Last week was a bit more stressful than I would have liked for a first week back into the New Year...but I survived. Probably it just felt stressful after 2 weeks of waking up at 9, napping at 2, and then going to bed at 9 again :-)

Actually, I knew it would be busy, because there were a couple things I didn't get done before the holidays, and I knew they needed to get done for this week at work. I actually THOUGHT I had 3 days to get them done last week...but realized as we were flying back from Floriday that we actually had Monday off last week! I decided to somehow make it all work in 2 days...and did.

Luckily Babcia was here though...because Zak somehow got a 104 fever on Monday. He managed the whole vacation without any illness...and gets sick the day before we have to go back to work. Good boy :-) Seriously, if Babcia hadn't been here, my stress would have went through the roof. He was over it in a day, so it wasn't too bad.

I also got my annual review results last week. Looks like I'm still managing up to my standards :) I know in a recent post I was pretty critical of my results...but at least so far, that seems to be only my FAR SO GOOD! It can be done (at least for 7 months!) - that was the amount of time in the last review cycle that I was on reduced work schedule. Let's see if I can keep it up. I'm very lucky that both my new and old bosses are so supportive.

I'll blog about one cute thing from Zak from last week...much of the rest of the time together was us trying to get him feeling better, and unpacking, cleaning up, etc from the vacation. On Tuesday he was still running a 104 fever when we didn't give him I worked from home just in case Babcia needed any help or he got worse. At first, I planned to go into the office...he was very panciky about that (we'd been together for 15 days!)...and he was crying that he didn't want me to go. I told him I WANTED to go, I like working...and besides, I need to make some more money so we can go on another great vacation. He said "Oh, you need to make money? Because we're all out of money?" I explained we weren't completely out, but I need to make sure we don't run out. About 30 minutes later, when I decided to work at home, I told him I was going to work down in the basement in case he needed me, and I'd come up for lunch. He said "Oh, because there is money in the basement?" LOL. I told him no, but I can work from there and then I will get paid for it.

About 2 hours later, he decided he wanted to come down and see me. He came down and on his way down, I hear him shouting "Mommy! Do you have your money yet?"

At about 4 o'clock, FedEx drops off a I'm opening it, Zak says, "I hope its some money for us Mommy!" I hoped so too!

Oh, the other thing - I was napping by him on Monday when he was sick...I woke up to him trying to syringe out my nose. :-P

1 comment:

  1. Zak makes everyone happy. What a smarty pants! - Ann
