Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Day 72

Today was interesting. I allowed one meeting on the calndar, a president/CIO review that has been rescheduled so many times, I figured that I could be flexible given Babcia is here. I also agreed to go to 2 work Christmas parties that got rescheduled from before the holidays.

So I got up this morning and played for an hour or so with Zak. It was kind of a cute morning...He wanted to play with this mosaic magnent game that Auntie Ann bought him. Basically you put the pattern on a whiteboard, the pattern tells you what color magnets to put where, and when you are done, you have a pretty mosiac. Generally, my role is to put the magnets on the pattern, Zak's is to use his "diggers" to grab the magnets and piled them up for me. It actually takes a good half an hour to make one, so it's not a simple thing.

Anyway, this morning, he picked up the box, and it unfortunately wasn't closed properly, so it fell open and magnets fell everywhere. I didn't hear anything, but walked in and saw Zak just standing there in disbelief, looking at me like, "I didn't mean to do it...and I don't know what to do now." He was just standing there, holding the box, frozen. He's so cute. I told him not to worry, not his fault, and we picked up all the magnets.

Then he did something REALLY sweet...everytime we play this game, we kind of argue over what pattern to do. He always wants to do the fire truck or the train. I've done them so many times, that I always beg to do something else, and sometimes refuse to do the train or fire truck if I've just done them several times in a row. Well, we hadn't played with this in awhile, so I fully expectde to do one of his. He said, "Mommy, let's do the flower, because I know you like flowers." And then he came up and hugged me. It was so cute!!! I gave him the biggest hug.

Anyway, we did that, then I went for my meeting. It wasn't the best meeting, wasn't the worst. I learned something from it. The good news is the reason it wasn't the greatest had nothing to do with my working part time or not having enough time...I simply mis-understood one of the objectives. So for two of the objectives, it went great. :-)

After that, I went to one of the Christmas parties, worked in between the parties, and then decided to skip the second one in the end to come back and hang with Zak. I got home and he was napping, so I curled up beside him with personal laptop and read through a bit of the news. He woke up 15 minutes later, smiled, and asked if he could play on the computer. I said ok...but asked if he shouldn't go to the bathroom first since he'd been asleep for so long...he said "Yeah, that's a good idea." (First!) So he went to the restroom, and is now sitting next to me playing Dinosaur train. Let me tell you...touch screen computers are so great. He navigates himself, and talk about whatever is on the screen...right now we're learning about different dinosaur tails :-)

Anyway, I gave up 6 hours today, but felt it was sandwiched between some very quality Zak time...and next week is a 2 day week again! Spoiled!

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