Friday, April 30, 2010

Day 14

Wednesday morning we spent playing up in Zak's room. I surprisingly had nothing planned for the morning. Zak has a "big boy bed" up there that he hasn't used yet, so I pretended to lay down to take a nap.

He saw me, and told me he wanted to sleep there. (Surprise) I tried to pull him up with me, but he wanted me off the bed. So I got up, he laid down, and said "Bye bye", Zak's going to sleep (that's his new thing, he tells me "bye bye" when he doesn't want me when I try to take away his computer because it's time for bed...bye, bye Mommy.) Anyway, I was rather shocked he was going to take a nap there, and of course it only lasted for 5 minutes.

After that, we ran a few errands. At Kroger he pushed a small child-sized cart around while I put the groceries in. Everyone commented on what a big help he was :-) We went to the car wash, which he loves, then to a couple other places. Eventually we met Dana and Sara for lunch at Chick-fil-a. Great place for kids! They have an indoor playground which he loved. He's becoming such a big boy. I must also say, it's very nice that I have more time for my friends now as well. It's like I have time to think and make sure I'm looking at the big picture of my life. I feel pretty good right now.

Zak has started 2 other cute things. First, he needs help getting on the toilet, but as soon as he's there, he says: "Bye bye" and he means it. He won't go until I leave. I guess he likes his privacy. The other thing is that he likes to check whatever I'm doing on the toilet (so while he likes his privacy, he doesn't seem to think about mine :-). Maybe this is too much sharing, but it really cracks me up. He checks and announces "Mommy pee pee! Mommy poopy!" I need to be careful if we have guests :-)

Had a good tennis practice, but have noticed Zak is getting a little more clingy these days. Maybe it's a natural phase, but he didn't want me leaving for tennis practice, and he hasn't done that in awhile.

Anyway, all in all, a good day.

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