Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Day 53

Friday ended up being a great day, even though it had all the smells of being disastrous. Thursday, our president needed some data to prep for a CEO review he had on Monday. The data he needed wasn't easy to get or produce...I knew there was no physical way for the woman responsible for pulling it all together could get it done....so I had her teach me. We stayed up until about 1am getting it done. My gut told me the president would see it Friday morning, and then want more data based on new questions he'd think of. I was mentally prepping myself for having to give up my Friday....but at around 9:30, he said he had everything he needed! Maybe it was the scare of chaos, but as soon as that was confirmed, I felt a renewed energy to make sure I enjoyed the day with Zak! By the way, I have to say huge thanks to Kuba too. At 5:00, I just pinged him on the computer and said "I need help." He left work immediately to get Zak, and cancelled his tennis for the evening. It felt great to have that support from him.

I turned on some music Friday morning and started trying to get Zak to dance with me....he quickly told me to stop dancing. I don't know what he has against my dancing and singing. So then I started making crazy noises, acting like a monster. He started laughing and told me I was funny :-)

I asked him if he wanted to help me do some laundry. He thought for a minute and said, "Um, No Thank You." As I've said before, at least he's polite. We did some letter drawing for a bit on the white board...his favorite letter to draw is T (grandma showed him how to do that...) Today I was surprised that he wrote a g! He said, "Hmm, what's G for?" I offered up "Garbage." He said "How about garage door." That surprised me.

Anyway, at 10 we went up to Pump it Up with Rowan and Dana. I think I have more fun there than he does. And then we went to McDonald's...the one on Tylersville is great because it has a music playground. They can slide down a piano keyboard, beat some drums, and climb on a guitar. The boys had a lot of fun together. Zak cried when we left that he wanted to stay with Rowan.

The rest of the afternoon consisted of a nap, and then playing around outside. Our friend Jill came over to do the very final touch-ups of the room (it's done!) We hung around, had some wine, and just talked. I ended the day feeling very happy and satisfied.

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