Friday, March 26, 2010

Day 3

Ok, well this one isn't as nice as the first 2 days, but I committed I'm going to try to be as honest as I can. I guess I will have some good and some bad days, and today was definitely a bad day. Today I thought, wow, I really don't know if I can do this. Now granted, its the 3rd day back from vacation, which can be stressful anyway, so I'm hoping it's nothing systemic. I certainly need to learn some things from it.

The problem is I closed Tuesday night with 400 unread emails. I've still not learned how to not relate unread email to a feeling of loose ends or unfinished business. On those rare days when I have 10-20 unread emails, I still at least scan the subjects and the from to make sure I haven't missed something important. Not possible with 400. I worked later than normal Tuesday night, and skipped my tennis practice (2nd time in a row). Even with that, I had 400 unread emails.

I also had 3 vice-president reviews to prepare, with only 2 days to prepare (Thursday and Monday) and since people were missing me when I was out, my calendar had exactly 2, 30 minute slots open starting from 6:30am to 4pm. My stress level was very high.

So I didn't sleep Tuesday night. I get up Wednesday morning and try to have a nice breakfast with Zak, unfortunately with a slightly pre-occupied mind. I take him to TumbleBees (make-up class from vacation), we have lunch and I selfishly try to get him to nap ASAP so I can sift through a little email.

The weather is rather nice, so I sit out on our new patio and start to work. The real trouble began when as I was steadily reading through and I got on escalation about something I hadn't managed to catch up on while I was away last week. This gets my blood pressure going. I don't like not being on top of things.

As I start racing to fix the escalation, my Polish mother-in-law chooses that time to try to talk to me about buying some new facial cream "because it is too expensive in Poland." I manage to tell her "pozniej" (later), then she continues to ask me about how Zak slept last night, what he ate, etc.

Now, I don't know what my mother in law thinks I do for work, but I'm sure she thinks I just type away, not really needing my mind to do so. It's hard enough multi-tasking with someone next to you speaking English, much less in Polish. My blood pressure rises higher as I keep telling her "Nie wiem, nie pamietem, or pozniej" as I desperately try to close out the escalation. Finally, I give up. I'm not supposed to be working anyway. I hear Zak starting to wake from his nap. Maybe it's a sign to let myself calm down before trying to close out this issue.

I close the computer and my mother-in-law say "Juz?! Skoniecz pracy?" (Already finished with work?) I don't know if she understood my slightly esasperated smile but I simlpy said "Tak, juz" - yes already. But my mind was whirring the whole rest of the day and night. I vaguely remember going for a bike ride with Zak later that afternoon, and then playing some puzzles, but my mind and heart weren't there.

I was preparing how to close the escalation and finish those 3 vp presentations with the one hour free time I had. I got up at 4 the next morning to get to work early.

I hope this is a symptomof coming back from vcaation and not a sign of whats to come.


  1. Ann Higdon Wiesman: i too hope this is a sign of vacation and not your new lifestyle. i can attempt to put myself into your shoes and I think they fit all too well. grains of salt thrown in the air...My recommendations... find ways to push work back to your Director to redistribute (not 3 VP presentations, but 2 or 1). he needs to learn quickly that he needs to ALWAYS be taking your workload into account now. my 2nd reco is to NEVER skip your tennis again. That is your time and it is what keeps your mind rejuvenated. A clear mind is a productive mind. Every time you feel yourself starting to "feel your blood pressure rise" take a peek at your son and think of your employee's family and remember why you are doing this. And as for your head and your heart not being in the bike ride... i would doubt that. You are a fantastic Mother and your heart is ALWAYS whereever Zak is. *hugs*

  2. Shirin A. Vakharia: Did you get 40% of your job shifted to someone else or are you trying to accomplish your same job scope in 3 days instead of 5? That would definitely be stressful.

  3. @ann THANK YOU for the obvious empathy and the suggestions...keep them coming! I need to be reminded. Its funny how obvious things seem when you write them out. I do think everyone at work wants to make this work, it's just not something we do very often. My direcctor was even asking me on Thursday if we needed to change anything, and we talked about some I said...I hope it's more an aftermath of vacation. are an AWESOME mother too :-)

  4. @Shirin I did shift into a new assignment, and definitely my director and I are still trying to gauge if we've gotten the right level for a "60%" I honestly think the hard part is we don't even really know what a 100% job is anymore. Everyone I know works much more than "100%" then what is 60% of something much more than 100%? :-)

  5. Shirin A. Vakharia: So true! I find that with my job as well. We've completely lost sight of what 40 hours of work should produce----especially if you're competent in your job. The responsibilities seem to keep expanding.

  6. Right, the more competent, the more expansion!
