Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Day 2

And now it's 2...and the day before our week of vacation!

I worked way late last night, knowing I didn't want to have to do anything for work today. I hope I don't have to do that often, but again, the week before and after vacations are always tough.

This morning we went to Tumblebees. Again, WOW, Fridays are just so different than weekend activities! When I take him to Tumblebees during the evenings or on the weekend, the place is jam packed with people. On Friday morning, it was absolutely dead! At first, I thought I had gotten the time wrong....there weren't enough cars in the parking lot!

So even before the class, he was running around with the other kids, pointing out the cool sun (there is a huge giant sun hanging from the ceiling there that he absolutely loves), and just being very relaxed. The glass was great as always. He's a little monkey, so climbing the wall, swinging from the rope, walking on the balance's all just great for him. The only part he doesn't like is the 5 minutes of sitting a listening to instructions in between stations. He absolutely just doesn't want to sit there. I hope it's not a problem, it seems most of the other kids (especially the little girls) sit quietly and listen intently. I did notice one other little boy whose mother was having to hold him down too :-)

After that, we went up to Mason for a playdate with cousin Ethan (he's almost 2!) That's where I realized Zak's potty training is apparently only at home. He refused to sit on Ethan's potty...oops. I didn't realize he was so attached to his :-) Reagrdless, we had lunch with them, then came home.

We had our nice snooze in the rocking chair again, and this time I packed for our vacation while he slept. He only slept for 1 hour then he helped.

We get another 9 days together, and with Kuba (my husband) too! I'm so looking forward to it!

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