Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Day 1

Ok, so I started my less than full time as of March 1. Since I've never blogged before, I kept notes in a notebook....but now will publish them here.

Maybe it was a weird week to start, because next week we go for one week of vacation. Work is stressful the week before vacation in any case, but at 3 days...well, ok. I'll just have to deal.

So, Tuesday night I came home feeling rather overwhelmed, but was determined to make my first Wednesday off a great one. Zak and I got up at 7 (way late for me!!!)...I took a shower while he took a bubble bath. We had a slow breakfast...and then headed down to the Childrren's museum. WOW!

Let me just tell you...going to the museum on a week day is so different than going on a weekend! I actually didn't have to worry about him getting trampled by kids, and he could play in every area! In the past, he longingly looked at the ball area, a section where levers, pulleys and vacuums scoot plastic balls all around the place. The problem is always that's where all the 8-12 year olds like to play and so he'd always get bumped around. We were one of only 3 kids, all under 2 there. So he really got to interact with the machines. It was so much fun!

We did everything they had to offer. The tree house was another absolutely precious time! We spent 45 minutes there, climbing all around. Again, no worries about getting shoved around. He was one of a few, and he loved climbing in, and then waving down to me, pulling me up with him, stopping in a special hideout so we could pretend to rest. It was so much fun, really.

We came home, had lunch. And then I rocked him to sleep in our favorite rocking chair. I fell asleep too. I'm sure the first day was a honeymoon day, but it was just so precious. Wednesdays are dedicated to Zak, so I felt no need to rush around. No grocery store visits, no hair cuts, no friends or familiy to meet. Just Zak and I, dozing in the rocking chair.

After dozing in the rocking chair for 30 minutes or so, I put him to his bed, and I pulled out the work computer. I told myself I'm making a conscious decision to do this. I'm working 60%, so I need not feel obligated. And I really do want to use some of Zak's down time for my own down time. I think part of my not feeling like I was doing a good enough job as a mom is not only my lack of time with Zak...but my lack of time for myself. So I do hope that as I get better at this, I can use that time for myself. Read up on the news, look for volunteer opportunities, become more self-aware.

But for today, I decided to work. Vacation coming next week and it being budget time at work meant I had a lot to do...and I rationalized that my head would be clearer if I cleaned out my inbox.

Zak work up a couple hours later. And I felt great! I had cleared out quite a bit on my to-do list before vacation nd was ready to dedicate time to Zak again.

We worked on our potty training (he went 2x!), and started prepping for Tato's return from work.

A really, really great first day. We had so much fun together. I hope it continues like this.

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