Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Day 11

Friday ended up being a good day, even if it had all the inklings of being a disaster.

It started on Thursday with one of my infamous migraines. By about noon I knew I had about an hour to get home, otherwise I'd need Kuba to take me home. So I cancelled everything, got home, gulped my NyQuil and was out. Kuba had to pick up Zak from daycare, I woke up for some dinner, and that was it. I was worried about how I was going to catch up. Every minute feels precious now at work....but there was no helping it. I simply can't function when I have them.

But it worked out ok, because also typical of my headaches, the next day I woke up feeling great. I woke up at 2am, headache gone...and so I worked from 2-5 and got everything done I needed to. I then went back to bed for a couple hours and was ready to go when Zak got up.

Friday was a busy day. We went over to play with Rowan and Dana for awhile...and to discuss important stuff like what we were going to wear to the wedding the next day :-) It's been so long since I've taken the time to actually enjoy the "pre-wedding" fun. Sara even called to discuss what she was wearing. It was so fun. After that, we met Diane (Zak's nanny from last year) at our place. We ended up going to McDonald's where Zak played on the playground. There were only 3 kids on it, so it was great for him.

After that, as I was rocking him in the "orange rocking chair" for his nap, I started to sing to him as I always have when trying to get him to go to sleep. He knows this song means sleep time (I always sing "Some Say Love...It is a River..." - I don't know why)....anyway, for the last few months whenever he hears that song he says "No no no no"...I always assumed because he didn't want to go to sleep. Well, today, as I started to sing that song, he very clearly and articulately said "Please be quiet Mommy." The boy barely puts any words together, yet he can say "Please be quiet Mommy?" At least he said please :-P Anyway, it made me smile.

After that, Dana asked if she could drop Rowan off while she picked up her cats from the cat barber shop, so Zak, Rowan and I played for a bit. It's nice that I can do that out a friend in the middle of the week.

So Thursday evening, I was very concerned that I was going to have to give up some of my Zak Friday because of the headache...but in the end, it worked out ok. I felt very good going into the weekend...


  1. Wrote a long comment but then i lost it.. Lou

  2. Holy crap, that is funny. "Please be quiet, Mommy." Can't wait for Maya to start that.

    BTW, we have been singing to her at night a lot, too. We sing "Judy and the Dream of Horses", "Love is All Around", and "Everything's Alright" (from Jesus Christ Superstar).

  3. @Lou - shoot! I would love to have seen your comment!

    @Jude Next time I see you, I want you to sing those to me :-)
