Tuesday, April 6, 2010


I didn't blog on Friday because it wasn't really a "less than full time" day since the whole company had off. Zak and I did manage to plant those flowers on Wednesday, although after he realized he had to get his hands dirty, he decided to just watch. He made me help him wash the dirt off his hands after the first touch before I continued with the planting. Now, contrast this to Saturday when we had 3 cubics of mulch delivered, which he gladly played King of the Hill on, buried himself up to his waist, and I had to drag him in at 10 o'clock that night once we were finally done spreading it all and give him 2 baths because he was so covered in mulch. Hmm.

Regardless, we have the flowers Zak selected planted, and he's already picked about 10 of them for me. I don't think they will survive long, but how can I be upset? :-)

Today is going to be a busy one, because Monika leaves back for Poland this afternoon. No more built in babysitter, and no more Babcia. Probably Zak will start to lose the little Polish he's finally started to talk.

I made 2 appointments this morning knowing Monika is still here. It's definitely another phenomenon about working less than full time...before I would not have hesitated at all to make a Dr. appt. during my work week, of course because I had no choice. There is never a good time for it, and I always have to plan it pretty far out, but still, I would do it during the work. Now, I feel there is no way I can take time from work for that. So I take time from Zak for it. Is it right? I should probably at least not feel guilty doing *some* appts during the work part of my week, but I probably won't. I can rationalize that a) I can bring Zak with me, so we can still have some nice conversations during that time and b) I still need to be successful at work, and even the smallest appt probably ends up being 3 hours by the time you add in travel, etc...that's a pretty big % of a 24 hour work week.

The other thing I've changed, I moved my tennis practice to Wednesday evenings, which is one of my days off. I did this because I find I'm working later on Tuesdays, and then have no energy or desire to then go for another 2 hours away from Zak. So on Wednesdays, I've had the whole day with him, and then Kuba can have some quality Tato/Zak time in the evenings. So small changes I'm making to help adapt to the new schedule, and if I'm honest about it, to give even more time to work. Notice I've added at least 1-2 hours on Tuesdays, and at least an average couple hours/month for doctors, dentists, etc. So while I've gone down to 60%, I'm definitely making it the most efficient, impactful 60% possible, cutting out all the "fat".

So far this week feels really good...but then again, it seems that everyone is off at work for spring break. Calm before the storm? Let's see :-)

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