Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Day 12

Monday and Tuesday were really good at work. I feel very focused now...almost everything has been transitioned off that we planned to transition to enable my 60%, and while not everything is going completely smoothly, things feel managable. I had a great review with one of the vice-presidents to close my day out on Tuesday. I was so energized after that meeting, that I really wanted to take some of my day today to get working on some of the stuff we talked about.

Having said that, I didn't want to give up my time with thought that maybe during his nap time I'd get started on some things. I must admit, everytime I think that way, I remind myself of my new paycheck size, and make myself reconfirm the decision :-) I think it's a good thing.

Anyway, it wasn't to be in the end, because Zak took only a 20 minute nap...and that was in the car. No matter what I tried, he just would not sleep today...maybe he sensed I was trying to steal some of his time :-)

Last night was a little difficult. Zak had the beginnings of a cold, so wasn't breathing well...which meant he was up and down quite a bit throughout the night. At around 2am he wanted me to rock him in the "orange rocking chair". I didn't mind, it's one of the side benefits of working 3 days a week...I don't have to worry if I stay up with Zak that I won't be fresh for work. Anyway, between 2 and 5 we rocked, got juice, went to the bathroom, got more juice, cleaned out his nose, reapplied the vics...all those things you do when kids are sick in the middle of the night. I don't know when we fell asleep again, but we were up by 7 to send Kuba off to work (not my idea, Zak's).

I felt I should keep Zak home so he could rest and try to get rid quickly of the bug he we didn't really plan much. We were just lazily hanging out together, watching cartoons, playing computer, etc. Then Sara called and asked us to join her and Dana for lunch. Zak and I were already starting to get a bit bored in the house, so we met for lunch and Zak had skyline for the first time! He loved it! And it's so great getting to have lunch with my friends.

We then came home, and I thought for sure he'd fall asleep in the car, but he didn't. I then tried to rock him for 45 way. I guess his quick cat nap on the way to lunch spoiled it. So there was no time to even turn on my work computer, much less get anything done.

It got warm enough in the afternoon that I felt ok to take him to the park. We spent an hour there, playing on things (he loves for me to go down these cork screw slides with him...I barely fit!) and sitting by the creek and tossing in rocks.

Anyway, great day...not too busy so that Zak could recover (and he's already sleeping more soundly tonight)...and I'm ready to hit work with a strong energy tomorrow!

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