Thursday, May 6, 2010

Day 16

I survived! It's now Thursday, remember I switched my days to work M-W this week. I don't want to even think how far behind I am from being in 3 full days of off-site meetings, and now having a 4 day weekend...I just want to enjoy the weekend :-) I was asked at work to lead another large program. I'm a bit nervous about adding more to my plate when I'm not completely sure I have the current items in control, but I'll look at is as a challenge and see what's possible.

I did get up at 3 this morning and did just an hour of work to catch up a bit. And I left a 7am meeting on my calendar because I didn't want to reschedule it. But now those are done, and Zak is cracking me up.

First, he woke up just before my meeting (of course :-) )...and for some reason refused to wear clothes. So he ran around the house for 3 hours, including the hour I was in my meeting, with no undies or anything. Ahh to be so comfortable :-) I only finally coaxed him into some by telling him he'd be too cold on the bike like that.

He's also showed me what a chocolate milk snob he is. When Babcia was here, she used baking cocoa for his milk, and then added honey for sweetening. As nice as that tasted, and I do kind of like him having honey as the sweetner, it seemed a little bit complicated to me. I just want to mix in some powder and be done with it. So I finally remembered to buy some chocoloate milk powder, and made him some this morning. He tasted it and refused it. He went searching in the pantry and brought out the dark baker's chocolate and honey. Such a sophisticated palate.

He just got a haircut last weekend, and I can't get over how old he looks. I told him again this morning that he looks 4 years old. He said "Thanks Mommy, I know." Then I asked him to give me a kiss, and he said "No, no, no, no, no." Ah, the time is moving too fast :-)

We biked up to the library and read some books, then we met Auntie Ann for lunch. Zak really enjoyed that, although he really expected to see Ethan and Logan as well. It was great to see my sister impromptu.

And after that, my brother and I decided to do an impromptu meeting in Chicago for the I spent the rest of the afternoon rearranging things, getting a condo there, etc. Zak and I did manage to get up to the park for another 45 minutes or so after his nap. He's reaching another interesting point in his development....things that 3 months ago he had no fear on, he suddenly has some fear. So he'd go runing up the climbing wall, slides, etc...and now, some of the steeper ones, he thinks 2x about, or even asks for my help saying "this one's scarey." Maybe he's playing off of my fear, or maybe a couple of falls have convinced him he's not invincible, but it's interesting to see.

Anyway, we closed the evening with a visit from Auntie Katie, while Kuba and I played an hour of tennis. I'll blog about the Chicago trip next week :-)

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