Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Day 20

Maybe because last week was so lousy (with me being sick), this week is making up for it. :-) Work is going very well, and Zak has been cracking me up non-stop.

He's at that stage right now where he gives me lots of compliments: wow, you are so pretty mommy, or pretty shirt mommy. He also at the stage where he gets his little boo boos and thinks my kisses magically make them better.

But he's also starting to show his independance. Yesterday he said he was going to go ride his "motorcyle" (that's his Go Diego, Go tricycle that makes motorcycle sounds.) I said ok and opened the door to go sit outside and watch. He said, "No Mommy, No" and pushed me back inside. Then he went outside, said "bye bye", closed the door and rode off on his "motorcycle." He looked back at the window to see if I was still watching, and then rode some more down the driveway, turned around, came back to the door and opened it and said "Hi, I'm back!" At least it was a short trip :-)

Later last night, he was playing on one of our computers. He was watching Dinosaur Train short videos, but he wouldn't let any of them finish. I was really interested to see the end of one where the dinosaurs were learning how to improvise I came over to help him. He absolutely didn't want my help. I kept trying to get him to play that video, and let it finish. Finally he said, "Mommy, you work" and pointed to our other computer. As I sat there thinking about how ironic it is that I've reduced my work schedule to spend more time with him and he's banishing me back to work, I heard the intriguing video again. I got back up to "help" ...very quickly he said "Mommy, you work" and pointed to the other computer. I sat down again, but was still watching him. He pointed to the keyboard, "Mommy, work." I put my hands on the keyboard, and he pointed to the mouse, "Mouse too Mommy." I couldn't help but laugh out loud.

Anyway, today was great. We had breakfast as a family, sent Tato off, and Zak took a bubble bath while I cleaned the bathroom. After that we went to Pump It Up. It was a blast! Zak and I were the only ones there and I was having as much fun as he was. We climbed through the big giant air balloon mazes, up to some pretty large slides (I'll try to post a picture)...and sliding down took my stomach away every time! We had the complete run of the place. Such a great place for a rainy day like today. Of course I pooped out before he did, but we made it for about a hour and a half.

We then went down to Rookwood to get some new shoes and jacket for Zak. We were supposed to meet Auntie Ann for lunch, but she had to cancel, so we ate lunch together at Buca di Beppo. It was the first time he sat across from me at the table. We had some deep conversations about the pictures on the wall and how good the bread was. Then we came home and we had a bit of a mutual meltdown. I was exhausted and wanted him to nap, but of course he had napped a bit in the car ride home, which kind of ruined a proper nap. I fought him for about 20 minutes and gave up. So I put him in the jogging stroller, we jogged up to the rec center and played in the game room for half an hour, then to the park to play on the swings and slides for half an hour.

And now our day is pretty much done. I think we are both pooped, but we made up for our lost time last week. Now we wait for Tato to have some dinner.

1 comment:

  1. So outstanding memories you are creating, April! Daniela and I laughed for a while with Zak's occurrences. I believe he's given you a great lesson in detecting when is the proper time to go back to full time: when he needs so much more time to explore himself and friends, and might struggle to keep you apart - nicely -. :)

    While that moment comes... you keep it up. You keep the spirits of many thinking in going the same way properly fed.

