Friday, May 21, 2010

Day 21

Today has been great! My brother dropped Maya off and my sisters and I are going to watch her for a week! I'm so happy I have time to do these types of things. Without any rescheduling or special planning, I was able to pick Maya up from the airport, and Zak and I will be able to the spend the weekend and next Wednesday and Friday with her. Katie will watch her for 2 days, and Ann and Dave the other days. I think the cousins are going to have a lot of fun.

Today Maya and Zak played great together. It looks like they adore each other. We tried to call Maya's grandma on Skype, but she wasn't home. So we called Zak's Babcia. It was clear Maya knew exactly how to use Skype :-) She was showing Babcia everything.

The only trouble I had was getting them both to take naps. It was clear they were both exhausted by around 2:30...but I just couldn't get them both to relax at the same time. Finally I put them in the car, told them I'd drive around for 10 minutes, and if they were still awake we'd go to the library. They were asleep in 5. :-)

Work is going very well. It looks like I will go to Geneva in a couple weeks. I'll need to give up my extra 2 days of course, but I'm kind of lucky in that the meetings are Tuesday - Thursday. So I'll fly on Monday & Friday. Normally I'd have to take my weekends on both sides to fly over, so it still feels ok.

Well, one chaotic moment today...around 4:00, Ann calls just as Zak starts to wake. He cries he has to go pee pee right away, which wakes Maya who starts to cry. I pick up Maya, help Zak get to the bathroom. He tries to get on the potty by himself, but is only halfway on, so pee goes everywhere. He's crying because pee is everywhere. Maya's crying because Zak is crying. We all manage to calm down and get Zak into clean clothes. Everyone is relatively happy, and Ann walks in and says I need to use your bathroom. I had forgotten about the pee everywhere. She politely says "uh, it looks like something happened in here." Oops :-)

Anyway, Ann takes Maya for the evening to play with Ethan and Logan. Zak cried so hard when Maya left. I kept telling him he'd see her tomorrow, but he wasn't buying it. Luckily Rowan came over soon after, so they got to play together. They enjoyed shutting themselves in their bedroom, saying "Bye bye" to all the parents. Whenever Matt would start to walk toward them, Rowan would slam the bedroom door shut. I wonder what they'll be like at 16:-)

Anyway, a lot of fun with Zak this week. For the most part, I think this is absolutely the right thing for me to do at this time. But I must be honest that it does change things quite drastically financially. I know that I can not complain at all, but I do think double and triple about how I'm spending money. Where before I might not pay too much attention to how much I pay for car or house insurance, the phone bill, etc, etc. now I scrutinize every penny. By the way, can I just tell you it's absolutely ridiculous the amount we are forced to pay AT&T every month to use the iPhone, especially when everyone who talks to me has to deal with "sorry! can you hear me now? crap, lost call again!" (sorry to diverge) As with everything, there are pros and cons. Anyway, I'm very lucky because I've talked to some people who would love to do something similar but simply can't afford it.

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